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Here's a solution outline for the Clinical Pathology Paper. I’ll provide answers for each question briefly: --- ### **Q.1 Describe about preparation and staining of Bone marrow aspirate.** 1. **Preparation**: - Aspirate collected from sternum/iliac crest using a bone marrow needle under aseptic conditions. - Smears are made immediately on clean glass slides by gently spreading the sample. - Fix smears with methanol for 2–3 minutes. 2. **Staining**: - Use Romanowsky stains like Leishman, Wright, or Giemsa stain. - Steps: - Fix slide in methanol. - Apply stain (e.g., Leishman stain) for 5–10 minutes. - Add buffer water and mix gently for another 10 minutes. - Wash off stain, dry slide, and examine under a microscope....